Sunday, February 7, 2010

6. I'm scared as hell, as you become this monster I don't know...

What have I done to deserve this...all I've ever done is give you everything that I have. Now your promises are empty once again. I love you and now you don't even seem to have a conscience to even care that I'm hurting. You're breaking my heart all over again. Why have you just given up the fight & let the evil in your mind take over? But even though I'm hurting, I'm still more concerned about you and you could careless. I'm worried about you mental health...and you just disregard everything that I say. The way you are acting is not how sane people act. The things you are saying are scaring me. You're going to push everyone away if they see the 'real' you, as you say, like I have. I don't know what to do anymore but I'm having feelings of deja vu of last time. I know I should probably break up with you to keep my sanity but I worry more for yours and cannot leave you...this is probably going to end up with you breaking my heart again...and this time I don't know if I can live with it if it's forever. You were the One for me, I still want to live and grow old with you, but I know I can't if you stay the way you've let yourself become...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

5. What ever happened.

What ever happened to your promise to try harder and work for our relationship? You said it yourself, it requires work. Where has it been lately? I've been trying but it doesn't seem like it's your concern anymore. I'm not trying to be a bitch. I'm scared. Scared as hell right now. I don't want to lose you again. I CAN'T. I wouldn't be able to deal with it. I'd try, but I think I would just die on the inside and slowly kill myself on the outside to kill what I feel inside. I could barely function last time...I don't want to feel that way again...I just want to love it that bad? I want to make you happy again, how do I make you happy again? I wish you'd tell me what to do...